Freedom Of Movement And The Situation Of Migrant Workers And Their Families : Draft Resolution / Mr. Alfonso Martinez, Mrs. Attah, Mr. Bossuyt, Mr. Boutkevitch, Mrs. Chavez, Mr. Despouy, Mr. Eide, Mr. Guisse, Mr. Hatano, Mr. Muksum-Ul-Hakim, Mr. Heller, Mr. Joinet, Mr. Khalil, Mrs. Ksentini, Mr. Maxim, Mr. Merrills, Mr. Ramadhane, Mr. Saboia, Mr. Sachar, Mr. Tian Jin, Mrs. Warzazi And Mr. Yimer

Recalling its resolution 1992/5 of 27 August 1992 on measures to combat racism and racial discrimination and the role of the Sub-Commission,

Recalling also Commission on Human Rights resolution 1993/20 of 2 March 1993 on measures to combat contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, and the appointment of a Special Rapporteur thereon, 

Recalling further Commission on Human Rights resolutions 1992/81 of 6 March 1992 and 1993/89 of 10 March 1993 concerning the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families,

Aware of the growing importance and magnitude of the phenomenon of racism and its consequences for migrant workers, as well as the efforts undertaken by the international community to improve the protection of the human rights of all migrant workers and their families, and recalling in that regard the adoption by the General Assembly of the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families,

Concerned that despite these efforts racism and acts of violence resulting therefrom persist and are even increasing in a number of developed countries,

Bearing in mind the existence of bilateral agreements with host countries and convinced that combined bilateral and multilateral action should lead to the problem being addressed more effectively,

Convinced that greater awareness of the contribution of migrant workers in host countries must be effectively ensured at all levels in order to change xenophobic behaviour on the part of individuals and put an end to the complex
of rejection from which this category of workers continues to suffer throughout the world,

Recognizing that migrant workers and members of their families are free to leave any State, including their State of origin,

Conscious that impunity for crimes motivated by racist and xenophobic attitudes contributes to weakening the rule of law and tends to encourage the recurrence of those crimes,

Noting that the special interest taken by the United Nations in the situation of migrant workers with a view to ensuring the human rights and dignity of all migrant workers and their families truly reflects the complexity of the problems faced by this vulnerable population group,

Noting that those workers suffer from racism and xenophobia, after being compelled to leave their countries because of objective economic difficulties, entailing first that they are uprooted and then that they have to go through the various stages involved in adapting to a new socio-cultural environment,

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