Study Concerning The Right To Restitution, Compensation And Rehabilitation For Victims Of Gross Violations Of Human Rights And Fundamental Freedoms : Draft Resolution / Ms. Attah, Mr. Bossuyt, Mr. Boutkevitch, Mrs. Chavez, Mrs. Daes, Mr. Despouy, Mr. Eide, Mr. Guisse, Mr. Muksum-Ul-Hakim, Mr. Khalil, Mrs. Palley, Mr. Ramadhane, Mr. Sachar, Ms. Warzazi, Mr. Yimer And Mr. Yokota

Recalling its resolution 1989/13 of 31 August 1989, in which it decided to entrust Mr. Theo van Boven with the task of undertaking a study concerning the right to restitution, compensation and rehabilitation for victims of gross
violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms with a view to exploring the possibility of developing basic principles and guidelines in this respect,
Having examined the study prepared by the Special Rapporteur contained in his final report (E/CN.4/Sub.2/1993/8),

Noting with particular interest the conclusions and recommendations, as well as the proposed basic principles and guidelines contained in sections VIII and IX of the final report,

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